Students are led into a marvelous universe with natural dynamics in communities and social groups through natural highly empathic/passionate leadership. What, for example, is a true Alpha leader in an evolutionary perspective, where the survival of a species depends on a highly intelligent Alpha leader or Alpha leader pair? Most family and business leaders are not true Alpha leaders, but more Beta leaders.
A true Alpha leader knows himself, his abilities and potentials, and is in touch with his wills: the good will and the strong will. He has integrated his Higher Self into a higher state of consciousness.
Be empathetic towards yourself and you will automatically and naturally be empathetic towards your fellow human beings and fellow creatures.
3 degrees of empathy
There are 3 degrees of empathy in the human consciousness, and they depend on what brain wave pattern you are in.
The 3 degrees of brain waves, Alpha, Theta and Gamma, are activated by breathing, emotional reactions, thinking and empathetic actions.
A good, skilled leader is well-balanced, knows himself and has developed a high level of empathy; he thus has an overview and holistic insight into the group / groups that he is integrated into. A good and harmless human being has developed a high state of consciousness and thus empathy.
The course reviews the fastest way to develop empathy and Highly Empathic/Compassionate Leadership.
The 5 Meditative Stages of human consciousness are taught.
Without Practice in the meditative stages, it is not possible to achieve the higher stages of empathy, which I call stage 2 and 3.
Topics covered in the course
- The Doctrine of Empathy and the 3 Stages of Empathy.
- The doctrine of the human brain waves and the stages of consciousness and emotions they activate.
- The Doctrine of the Natural Dynamics of Evolution in Communities and Social Groups.
- Dynamic Natural Leadership.
- Natural Highly Empathic/Compassionate Alpha Leader, the true leader!
- The Doctrine of the Natural Whole Integration of Evolution into Flocks and Groups.
- The Doctrine of Step-by-Step Positive Reinforcement (Shaping) of Behavior in Relationships.
- The art of prevention instead of healing! The art of averting conflicts.
- The art of becoming and being successful based on empathetic being and actions!
Copyright and All Rights belong to Anette Røpke