My starting point is that you can contact us with all types of questions relating to your life together. No matter what challenges and questions you have in relation to your partnership, cohabitation, cooperation and togetherness, you will receive highly empathic/compassionate and in-depth counseling that will be able to change your view of yourself, and thus of each other.
Overcoming blockages
It is my experience that all couples seeking this type of counseling will discover what connections at the causal level have brought them together. Everything will provide greater understanding on a higher level.
By diving into causal contexts through new models of consciousness, much will make new sense, so that the motivation, intentions, and possibilities for overcoming misunderstandings and blockages will increase.
My counseling takes 1.5 – 3 hours and the most important matters in your life are reviewed. This applies to physical health, and especially to your emotional health.

I want to help decode your mental and emotional patterns and habits. Together we will find the contact to each of your Universal Selves.
The Higher Self
Using my ESP senses (extra sensory perception), I can clarify mental and emotional conscious and unconscious patterns. It is the contact to this higher level of consciousness that means that everything can be understood in a larger context and wholeness.
There is a deeper cause for the things that happen, especially in relation to close relationships. And they are rarely available to the everyday consciousness but primarily only for the higher consciousness /Universal Soul.
It is my specialty to guide people in finding and activating this level of awareness.
I will consciously work to activate your Higher Consciousness, also called the Higher Self.
Through consciously controlled breathing and activation of different brain waves, I will change my normal consciousness (Beta and Alpha brain waves) to higher consciousnesses (Theta and Gamma brain waves). Through these exercises I will be able to help you each find your own
Universal Self.
Behind me I have many years of intense study and training in the 7 Meditative stages. I master a conscious, will-controlled mind that can activate and spontaneously switch between the different ESP senses (extra sensory perception).
My purpose is always to improve mental energy, and achieve higher clarity, for your sake.
Counseling always starts with an easy and accessible, holistic review of all our senses, so that together we will find the way into your mind.
We will find the contact to the Universal Self, and through this work on a deeper emotional level, find the contact that will support you in your personal development, and be able to resolve all external and internal conflicts.
The Universal Self is just waiting to be activated and integrated..
1 hour: | DKK 3,200 |
1.5 hours | DKK 3,800 |
2 hours | DKK 4,400 |
The amounts are incl. VAT